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Functional Medicine Health and Wellness Coaching
Modern minimalist view of very top of green plant in front of pale pink wall.

For everyone, well-being is a journey. The secret is committing to that journey and taking those first steps with hope and belief in yourself.

Deepak Chopra


Hi, I’m Katie

Katie Sherman, health coach, sitting on kitchen counter with green smoothie.

I’m a national board Certified Health & Wellness Coach with a mission to help others take back control of their lives and get back in tune with their bodies. I work with those who understand the value of good health, are ready to take action to feel vibrant.

Anything sound familiar?

  • You feel like you are constantly running out of energy, overly stressed or anxious, and there never seem to be enough hours in the day

  • You want to make healthy changes, but have not found a way to make them stick

  • Your doctor has warned you that it is time for a lifestyle change

  • You are overwhelmed by all the health and nutrition info out there and do not know which direction to turn

  • Your digestive system runs the show, it’s loud, it’s rude, and unpredictable

  • Just the word “hormones” make you cringe

  • The appearance of your skin seems to change on a day-to-day basis

  • You have forgotten what it feels like to do activities that bring you joy and happiness

  • Your day-to-day routine just is not taking you where you want to be

  • Your inner critic keeps you from making those first steps

  • The weight will not find its way off your body or always finds its way back

  • You feel like you are fighting an invisible illness that no one else seems to be able to see or hear

  • You are ready for lifelong lasting change!


If you can relate to even one of these, don’t worry friend, there are brighter days ahead! It is time to choose a new path on your journey.

Let today be the day you choose you! 


 Why Functional Medicine? Why Coaching?


Functional Medicine targets the underlying root cause of chronic issues. Focusing on treating the root cause as opposed to only treating the symptoms. 

A Functional Medicine Health Coach walks alongside you on your path to wellness, customizing a plan made just for you, that fits your individual life. Together we will look at all the pieces of your unique life that you may have never looked at before. Not only your physical, but also your emotional, mental and even spiritual health. In this partnership you will explore things like your relationship with food, exercise and movement, sleep patterns, and stress management. You will look deep into your strengths, your meaningful relationships, your values, and the things that bring you joy. Together we will find what’s working and what is not to make simple, effective, lasting change to improve your health and well-being. Dealing with any type of health struggle can be a lonely road. You don’t have to go at it alone. I’m here to help. 


How health coaching can help


MY CLIENTS COME FROM ALL DIFFERENT WALKS OF LIFE, young adults dealing with stress and anxiety, burnt out middle-aged parents whom have lost touch with the person they once were and any forms of self care, and high-performance individuals struggling to find time for their health and keep up with their busy schedules. However, they all have one thing in common, they just want to feel good and be the best version of themselves!

When we create the environment to properly heal the gut, so much more unfolds both physically and mentally.

areas my clients have seen results:

  • Reversing Digestive & Gut Disorders

  • Decreased Stress

  • Reduced Anxiety

  • Weight Loss

  • Balancing Hormones

  • Lowering Blood Sugar

  • Reducing Migraines

  • Incorporating a Consistent Exercise Routine

  • Reduced Inflammation

  • Increased Mindfulness

  • Improved Sleep Quality

  • Building a Healthy Relationship with Food

  • Happier Life Balance & Routines

  • Deeper Understanding of Mind & Body

  • Increased Social Connectedness

  • Reduction in Negative Self Talk & Thought Patterns

  • Creating Habits that Last

  • Finding of True Joy

  • and so much more!



Sprout Into Wellness was founded combining my passions. My experience from my own personal journey, conquering my own debilitating gut health issues and anxiety struggles. My background as a plant-based chef, running a successful in home meal service, where I assisted my clients in making dietary changes and educating them on how to heal their bodies through food and most importantly, plants! As well as my personalized, strength-based approach style of coaching, which ties deeply in healing through plant-based foods and calming of the inner self. I wholeheartedly believe that having a coach in your corner while making difficult lifestyle and behavior changes is not only effective but meaningful, inspiring, and rewarding.

The biggest difference, MY CLIENTS SEE RESULTS!

Don’t take my word for it. Hear it from them!


 start your healing journey Today!

Book your Free 20-Minute Discovery Call