Do You Suffer From Poor Gut Health?

It is no secret that it takes work

to keep our health in check.

Gut health written out in wooden blocks with white background.

We are always working on improving our health. Our mental health, our physical health, our hair, nail, and skin health, our eye health, our heart health… but what about our gut health? Don’t worry if this concept is a bit confusing to you. Gut health is still a relatively new topic of discussion. Unless you are seeing a Functional Medicine doctor, it may be an area never discussed with you by a medical professional, even though it could be the root cause of many of your health struggles. In fact, new research and studies show that our gut, may very well be the most important organ in our bodies to repair, rebuild and keep in balance!

In Functional Medicine the first order of action is almost always looking at the gut. That is because it is where so many health issues actually begin. Unfortunately most western medicine physicians are not trained in this way. You come into their office with joint pain, they diagnosis you with Rheumatoid Arthritis, write you a prescription to help manage the pain and send you on your way. Never answering that question of why the joint pain ever began in the first place! With Functional Medicine the Rheumatoid Arthritis is viewed in a different way, as a symptom. Therefore, they strive to find the root cause of that symptom, starting with looking at the gut. When the gut is repaired and rebalanced, depending on the severity, patients tend to almost immediately feel improvements of their “symptoms”! Once again showing the importance of treating the root cause and not the just the symptoms!  

Symptoms of Poor Gut Health:

  • Unexplained Mood Disorders, such as depression

  • Autoimmune Diseases, such as RA, Diabetes, Celiac, Crohn’s, Alzheimer’s, and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

  • IBS

  • Constipation & Diarrhea

  • Acid Reflux & GERD

  • Hormone Imbalances

  • Malabsorption of Vitamins & Minerals

  • Fatigue & Brain Fog

  • Migraines & Headaches

  • Anxiety & Panic Attacks

  • Skin Rashes, Dandruff & Allergies

  • Sleep Issues

  • Intense Sugar & Carb Cravings

  • Unexplained Weight Gain or Loss

What causes our gut to become imbalanced?

  • Poor Diet (Standard American Diet)

  • Dehydration

  • Stress & Emotions

  • Food Intolerances, such as gluten and dairy

  • Infections

  • Medications & Antibiotics

  • Inadequate Digestive Enzymes

  • Low Stomach Acid

  • Toxins (metals, molds, foods, personal care products)

  • Impaired Intestinal Permeability, such as leaky gut, bacterial and yeast overgrowth

How to start restoring your gut health today?

  • Hydrate – Drink at least ½ of your body weight in ounces of filtered water

  • Do an Elimination Diet to target specific food intolerances

  • Cut toxic personal care and cleaning products from your household – EWG is a great source to check the quality of your products. They also have a convenient app Healthy Living.

  • Eliminate sugar from your diet

  • Switch from processed foods to a whole food diet, avoiding those middle aisles at the grocery store

  • Eat organic, non-GMO produce, if possible, or at least be sure to shop the “Dirty Dozen & Clean 15 Lists”, to avoid unnecessary chemicals and pesticides

  • Eat probiotic rich foods, such as sauerkraut, kim chi, unsweetened yogurt, or a probiotic supplement

  • Incorporate prebiotic foods into your diet, such as bananas, garlic, asparagus, or Jerusalem artichokes

  • Try supplementing digestive enzymes with your meals to help properly break down foods

  • Seek out a Functional Medicine doctor to run tests, recommend supplements, and an exact protocol for your specific needs

  • Of course, reach out to a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach to help you follow through and say goodbye to poor gut health once and for all!

Smiley face post it note held in front of belly of woman,

Sure, poor gut health can be a bit scary. However, it does not have to be our fate. Our bodies can be incredibly forgiving and are, most of the time, just waiting for us to turn around and give them what they so desperately need. It is never too late to clean up your gut health, which in return can turn around your entire life!

This is an area I understand wholeheartedly, as I too suffered from gut imbalances for over 20 years. If you are interested more in my story, check it out here. Putting my gut health as a top priority saved my life, and if you are suffering from any of the above-named symptoms, know that it can save yours too.

Always remember, that the first steps are the hardest, but there is nothing better in this world than to feel good!  

Start building a better tomorrow, today!