8 Foods to Hydrate Your Skin from the Inside Out

Dry winter skin got you down?

Add these 8 seasonal foods to your rotation and stop singing those winter skin blues!

Hands held open with lotion shaped in a heart.

As the winter season kicks into full effect, temperatures drop, humidity disappears, clothes begin to layer, and thermostats crank up the heat. Under those cute boots and fuzzy scarves, our skin starts to dry, lips become chapped, and heels take a winter beating! We reach for moisturizers, exfoliators, chap sticks and topical creams that temporarily hydrate our bodies at a skin-deep level, but what about starting from the inside out? Instead of heading to the bath and body store, stock your fridge with these 8 seasonal foods to restore vitality and radiance in your skin today!


Water being poured into a glass from a pitcher.


Ok, I know this is an obvious one, but it is incredibly overlooked in the winter. As temperatures drop our desire to hydrate with water diminishes. We tend to reach for warming drinks like coffee first thing when wake up to warm up our bodies and soul. However, our bodies loose around 1 liter of water each night while we sleep! Following that with up caffeine dries our skin out even more. Don’t worry, I will never come between you and your coffee, but drinking a full glass of water before that morning cup will give your skin that extra hydration it’s craving.

Tea in a cup and a pitcher.


Did you know that herbal teas count towards your total daily water? Each different tea contains a unique blend of anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidants, and phytonutrients, which help prevent cell damage caused by oxidation. Try swapping in a cup of warming rooibos tea instead of that mid-day cup of coffee.

Lemons cut open laying on a wood board.


Lemons are a true superfood and full of detoxifying powers. They contain liver cleansing enzymes and vitamin C that aid in tissue regeneration. Try adding a squeeze of lemon to your herbal tea, jazz up your water, or add some brightness to your soups. Better yet start your day with a detoxifying cup of warm lemon water.

Chia seeds in jar with wooden spoon.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds contain minerals, fiber, they aid in digestion, and are full of Omega-3 fatty acids, the skin’s best friend! Omega-3s moisturize our skin by creating a barrier and locking in moisture. They help keep skin glowing and fight against premature aging. Try sprinkling chia seeds over coconut yogurt, add to smoothies, or mix with almond milk to make a chia pudding.

Kale in a basket sitting on a wood board.

Dark Leafy Greens

Kale, swiss chard, collard greens and spinach (just to name a few) are packed full of vitamins, such as vitamin A, which is needed for healthy skin and hair growth, and vitamin C, a true MVP when it comes to building and boosting collagen in our skin. Dark leafy greens are fantastic in stews, curries, and soups during these colder months.

Avocadoes cut open and in a wire basket on a wood board.


Fat is important for our skin health! Especially healthy monosaturated fats, like those found in avocadoes, which increase skin elasticity and reduce wrinkles. Avocadoes also contain biotin, a B vitamin that hydrates skin, your nails and hair. If you are one of the 2% of people in this world that do not like the taste of avocadoes, try using them as a skin or hair mask for some extra topical hydration.

Sweet potatoes sliced laying on a concrete block.

Sweet Potatoes

This delicious root vegetable is another to keep on rotation through the winter months. Beta-carotene which gives sweet potatoes their bright orange color is converted in our liver to vitamin A, or more specifically retinoid and retinol, which you may be familiar with in your beauty products. These vitamins are transported through our bodies by our lymphatic system to all the cells in our body, stimulating the production of new skin cells, increasing collagen production and reducing wrinkles. Sweet potatoes are great on their own, delicious added into chili, or be adventuresome and try the new fad, sweet potato toast!

Dates in a bowl laying on a white board.


If you haven’t hopped on the date train yet, what are you waiting for! Dates are full of fiber, vitamins and minerals and make an excellent low-glycemic sweetener. They also contain a water-soluble B vitamin called pantothenic acid. Pantothenic acid plays a vital role in creating a barrier at the skin that limits water loss from the body, reduces absorption of chemicals from the environment, and prevents microbial infections. Give my all-time favorite snack a try. Tear a date in half with your fingers and remove the seed. Shove a spoonful of refrigerated nut butter in the middle and chow down. It, no lie, taste like a Snickers bar!

Stop throwing away your money on expensive creams and moisturizers that only band-aid the true root cause of dry skin and hydrate from within!