All About Dry Brushing

Dry brushing is a simple way

to improve the health of your skin

Dry brush on marble counter with white towel and eucalyptus

You have probably seen this odd-looking brush with its thick bristles amongst the personal care items in your local health food store. Maybe you thought, “huh, weird looking back scratcher”, which was honestly my first thoughts. The real reality is that this brush is one of the most beneficial tools that you can add into your daily personal care routine and in no time may very well end up being one of your favorites. 

Our skin is not only our body’s largest organ but a true reflection of our overall health. Have you ever done a cleanse or detox and your skin broke out? The toxins that your body releases are slowly being pushed out through your skin. Therefore, we all do things like buy the best facial cleansers and exfoliators to take care of the skin on our face, which is great, but what about all the rest of your skin? In walks the dry brush. 

Dry brushing has been a long-time Ayurvedic ritual but is quickly gaining mainstream popularity and for good reasoning. It is known for eliminating that toxic build up on the surface of the skin, improving circulation, and increasing lymphatic drainage, making this an excellent addition to your detox process. Not only will it remove toxins, but also all the top layer of dead skin cells, leaving behind smooth, fresh exfoliated skin. 

How to get started:

  • There is no need to spend loads of money on a brush. Purchase a brush with firm natural bristles, and preferably a long handle. The handle will help you reach those hard to get areas, like the middle of your back. 

  • Begin at your feet and brush in short strokes towards your heart. Brush slowly and gently, especially at first. It may feel a little rough and different, so go lightly, you can begin to add more pressure as your skin gets used to this process over time. Brush from your foot to your knee, then from your knee up your thigh, and repeat on the other leg. Brush over your stomach and your low back with the same short sweeping motions up towards your heart. Avoid any sensitive areas or areas with any breakouts or irritated skin! Then begin again with your hands to your elbows, your elbows to your shoulders, and down your shoulder blades to the center of your back. No need to brush your face (ouch!) but be sure to brush your neck, again downwards towards your heart, getting your collarbone and shoulders and gently sweeping over your chest. 

  • Dry brush before your shower, so that you can cleanse off all the excess skin and toxins, and follow your shower with a quality, clean moisturizer or body oil. Always be sure to brush dry skin that has not recently been moisturized. 

Dry brushing is a simple way to improve the health of your skin and become a daily mindful self-care ritual.

Not to mention it feels REALLY good! Give it a try and see what you think!

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