Why You Should Start Your Day with Warm Lemon Water

I know, I know, but what about Coffee?!

Why in the world would you want to start your day with lemon water?! Don’t worry, I’m not asking you to break up with your favorite barista. I’m just suggesting a new addition to your morning ritual. It takes practically no time at all and your entire body will thank you for it! 

Over top view of lemon floating in mug of warm lemon water

In case you are unaware… lemons have superpowers! They are packed full of vitamin C, vitamin A, beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium, potassium, folic acid, anti-inflammatory properties, and tons of other enzymes. What that means for you is reaping the benefits of reduced joint and muscle pain, increased ability to fight things like the common cold, infections, sore throats, even acne and wrinkles.  

Drinking the warm water mixed with the lemon juice first thing in the morning is like a big wake-up to your digestive system! Think of it as an alarm clock, telling your guts to get moving, helping you stay regular without the use of caffeine. Our bodies naturally become dehydrated during the night, making this a great way to kick start your hydration for the day. I have found that on days that I miss my morning lemon water, I also drink way less water throughout the entire day! If all these benefits aren’t enough to convince you, the lemon juice also supports your liver, our body’s main detoxifying organ. So not only are you boosting your health, kick starting your digestive system and hydrating your skin and body, your also jump starting the detoxification process as well! Pretty sweet deal if you ask me.

How to get started:

  1. Buy a big bag of lemons

  2. Heat filtered water to warm, above room-temperature but not boiling  

  3. Squeeze half a lemon and warm water into a mug and sip slowly

  4. If possible, try to wait around 20 minutes before eating afterwards, to give your body the full time to take in all these powerful benefits. 

Warm lemon water has been a huge part of my morning ritual and something I really look forward to daily. Try it for yourself and share your experience here!

Warm lemon water in mug on counter top in front of subway tile wall