Lemon Turmeric Wellness Shots

a hangover-free Shot?

Here it is! A shot you won’t regret taking the next day. Actually, your body will thank you for it as you boost your immunity, reduce inflammation and even aid in dealing with those annoying seasonal allergies (hello spring!).

Wellness shots are beginning to line the shelves in grocery stores everywhere. It is always great to see new healthy items hitting the markets, however, these bad boys tend to come with a hefty price tag. If you’ve already invested in a juicer, this is your sign to dust it off, save some money and make some shots!

Lemon-Turmeric Wellness Shots in glass bottles on marble counter.

A good thing to know about juice of any kind is that it begins losing its nutrients IMMEDIATELY. Which is why you will never buy a juice at the store that is as nutrient-dense as it would be if you made it at home or grabbed it fresh at a juice bar. As a good rule of thumb, always plan on drinking your juices within 3 days, but know that each day it will decrease in nutritional value.

An other thing to keep in mind when juicing, is using high quality ingredients. This would be the time to purchase organic produce, if possible, and remove the skins or rinds of anything that is not organic.

A few reasons why you will love these shots:

Lemons support your liver function, which is our bodies biggest detoxifying organ. They are packed with Vitamin C, boost our immune systems, are amazing for skin health, and aid in digestion. Studies have even shown lemon juice to protect against alcohol-induced liver damage. There is no other type of shot that can do that!

Turmeric is a superstar of a food, a superfood if you will! Curcumin is the active substance in turmeric which gives it its bright orange color and its healing superpowers! Curcumin is loaded with antioxidants, has an incredible ability to reduce inflammation, manage arthritis, reduce anxiety, and cancer fighting properties. For our bodies to absorb turmeric properly, it needs a little assistance to make it more bioavailable. This is why we add in fresh cracked black pepper, which increases the absorption of curcumin by 2,000%!

Ginger may be most known for its ability to relieve nausea. You may have heard of pregnant women chewing ginger chews or sucking on ginger candies to relieve morning sickness. Studies have also found ginger to be effective in treating bacterial and yeast infections. It is a real win-win to have some ginger in your guts!

Then comes in cayenne pepper, whose active ingredient and medicinal properties come from capsaicin. Capsaicin has been found to energize, reduce hunger and even increase metabolism.

Boom! These shots just rock!

Give them a try for yourself and be sure to tag #sproutintowellness to show them off! Looking for more ways to boost your daily routine? Check out my Anti-Inflammatory Tropical Smoothie or consider starting your day with a glass of Warm Lemon Water.


Lemon Turmeric Wellness Shots

(Makes 6 ~ 2-ounce Shots)


  • 1 medium orange

  • 3 lemons

  • 1/4 cup fresh turmeric

  • 1/4 cup fresh ginger

  • 1/4 tsp freshly cracked black pepper

  • 1/4 tsp ground cayenne


  1. Roughly chop ginger and turmeric into smaller pieces. Depending on your juicer, you may need to peel both the ginger and turmeric, as well as the orange and lemons. We peel the citrus but leave the ginger and turmeric alone. If you are not using organic, peel everything.

  2. Run all ingredients through the juicer except for the black pepper and cayenne.

  3. To the fresh juice, stir in the fresh cracked black pepper and cayenne.

  4. Juice begins losing nutrients immediately! Shots will have highest nutrient potency immediately but will keep for up to 3 days in the refrigerator.

Lemon Turmeric Wellness Shots lined up in glass jars on counter top.