Healthy Morning Rituals for Happiness

Are your morning rituals taking you where you want to be?

rit•u•al: a daily routine performed in a specific order to encourage radical change in the body, mind, and consciousness.

Rituals are known to regulate a person's biological clock, aid digestion, absorption and assimilation, generate self-esteem, discipline, peace, happiness and longevity.

Woman sitting outside wearing pajamas on hilltop with hands in heart shape over sun in sunrise sky.

Morning rituals look different for everyone, and that is okay! The most important thing is we find one that works for us and we stick with it. Here I have listed the top 6 that I find bring balance, grounding, nourishment and most importantly happiness for the day ahead!

  • Open your curtains - Let in the light!! Wake up your mind, your body and your home. The light helps regulate our internal clocks, telling your brain to slow the releasing of melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone, which will begin waking up the body and brain.

  • Make your bed - Not only does this make your room look and feel better, it also boosts self-esteem, increases productivity, lowers stress levels, and gives us a sense of pride.

  • Get sunlight - At least 15 minutes outside with no sunglasses! We've all heard about the benefits of the sun and Vitamin D, but what about regulating hormones? Not only will the sunlight slow the production of melatonin, it also balances your cortisol levels, the stress hormone we do not want to get too high, and boosts our serotonin, the happy hormone, lifting our mood and spirits! Even on a cloudy day, you can still get the benefits of morning sunlight. 

  • Meditate or breathe deep -  Even taking 5 minutes first thing in the morning to meditate or to take long, deep, cleansing breaths can make a dramatic difference on our health. It promotes grounding and centering, while stimulating your parasympathetic nervous system. What this means for you is a lowering of cortisol (that stress hormone!), reducing overall stress and anxiety, lowering the heart and breathing rate, and improving blood flow. 

  • Drink water - Hydrate! As we sleep our bodies become dehydrated. Our brains are 70% water! A not adequately hydrated brain can leave you feeling fatigued, drained and even cause mood fluctuations. A glass or 2 of water will also help flush toxins, strengthen your immune system, get your digestive system moving, and support your metabolism. Better yet, give a glass of warm lemon water a try! 

  • Move your body - 30 minutes of movement first thing in the morning can boost energy, lower stress levels, wake up your metabolism, encourage a more positive and healthy tone for the rest of your day, and promote quality sleep for the night. Try yoga, strength training, or a brisk walk. How about doubling down and move your body outdoors, taking in that sunlight at the same time! 

List of healthy morning rituals for happiness. Open your curtains, make your bed, get sunlight, meditate or breathe deep, drink water and move your body.

If your mornings tend to feel a little hectic or out-of-balance, try building your ritual.

Stick with it and see how you feel throughout your day after these mindful activities. If your morning ritual is something you need a little help on building, consider 1:1 coaching, or talk with a friend or family member about being each others accountability partner. We are always stronger together. 

What morning rituals always bring you balance and happiness to your day? Share with us in the comments.