Banana PB&J Overnight Oats

Seriously, who doesn’t Love bananas and pb&J?

Smoothies are a huge part of my morning rituals but sometimes I need something a little extra. I’ll admit that I spent a lot of time scared of overnight oats. I thought they were a fad that would die out because there was no way that people could really enjoy eating cold oatmeal. But my love for chia seeds and oats drew me in and I finally gave them a shot. Wow! Boy was I wrong. They’re creamy, filling, extremely satisfying, and for the best part, they are made ahead! Can’t we all use a few more easy, make ahead recipes to simplify our busy week? Especially breakfast, the most skipped meal of them all.

Mise en place of Banana PB&J Overnight Oats. Showing chia seeds, coconut nectar, vanilla, oats, raspberries, peanut butter and almond milk on black slate board.

Then there is the whole nutritional side. Oats. This incredible little whole grain is not only packed full of soluble fiber and protein, but vitamins and minerals, such as phosphorus, magnesium (which almost every human is deficient in), iron, and B vitamins. Working to reduce high cholesterol? Then get on the oatmeal wagon because they are known for reducing LDL (the “bad”) cholesterol, which also reduces inflammation in arteries, lowering risk for heart disease. If you are gluten-intolerant, be sure to buy certified gluten-free oats, to avoid any risk of cross-contamination.

To sweeten things up a bit, we layer the thick, peanut buttery oats with a raspberry “jelly”, using chia seeds to give us gelatinous, jelly-like consistency. Let us not forget to give a shout out to those amazing little chia seeds! These little super seeds are full of omega-3 fatty acids (more than salmon, gram for gram!), tons of fiber, filling you up and keeping you full, and loaded with antioxidants and minerals, such as calcium, manganese, and more protein.

There you have it. A simple, make-ahead breakfast option that is pretty to look at, incredibly good for you, and taste phenomenal! Recreate those flavors of childhood without all the white bread, sugars and mystery peanut butter “spread”. Best part, you will have it all prepped in under 10 minutes!

But don’t just take my word for it, give them a try yourself and share in the comments or share a pic on Instagram using #sproutintowellness.


banana PB&J Overnight oats

(Makes 2 quart-size jar Servings)

raspberry “jelly” Ingredients:

  • 1 cup raspberries

  • 1 TBSP chia seeds

  • 1 TBSP filtered water

  • 2 TBSP coconut nectar, honey or maple syrup

  • 1/4 tsp alcohol-free vanilla extract

peanut butter oats Ingredients:

  • 1 cup gluten-free rolled oats

  • 1 cup non-dairy milk of choice

  • 3 TBSP peanut butter (or almond butter)

  • 1/2 TBSP chia seeds

  • 1 banana, for topping


  1. Blend all the raspberry “jelly” ingredients together until smooth. Be careful not to over blend or the mixture will lose its vibrant color and turn a light pink. Put in jar and place overnight in refrigerator.

  2. Mix all peanut butter oats ingredients, except banana, in large bowl, until well combined. Add mixture to a separate jar and place in refrigerator overnight.

  3. The next morning, layer mixtures into 2-quart size jars. Starting with the bottom a layer of peanut butter oats, followed by a jelly layer and sliced bananas. Repeat one additional layer of each. Add any additional toppings desired, like a sprinkling of hemp seeds or cinnamon.

  4. If not serving immediately, keep layers separate for up to 5 days. Layer within 24 hours of serving to keep bananas from browning.

Mason jar full of layered Banana PB&J Overnight Oats with raspberry skewer on top.