5 Healthy Tips for Transitioning from Summer to Fall

Do you incorporate rituals in your summer to fall transition?

Try adding in these 5 Tips to bring ease and peace to your transition.

Leaves transitioning from summer to fall colors.


 A transition of seasons can bring a lot of mixed feelings. Seasons are a reminder of change. They are a chance to wipe the slate clean and start fresh. A chance to “detox” both our minds and our bodies.

For some this brings excitement, a readiness and willingness to step out onto a new path. For others it can be quite the opposite. There can be feelings of under-achievement, loss, or even fear.

Having a few rituals to add into the summer-to-fall transition can help ease the mind, prepare the body, make peace with where we are today, and allow us to be present in the current moments.

Woman sitting in fall leaves against tree journaling.

Reflections & Intentions

As we prepare ourselves for the new opportunities the new season has to bring us, we must first take a moment to reset, “detox”, let go of the things that are no longer healthy for us to keep carrying around, and make space for all the new that lies ahead.

Try this journaling exercise:

First, start by reflecting on all of summer’s big moments. Those moments that brought you joy and filled your cup. Whether it be one word, a sentence or pages and pages, write it down. Re-read these and really take in the feelings that are tied to these joyful memories.

Then shift to summer’s hard moments. As you write them onto the paper, visualize these memories leaving your body through the pen and being left right there on the paper. As hard as it may be, express gratitude for these moments too. They have left you where you are today. Stronger and wiser.

Next, move on to your fall intentions. What do you want most out of this season? What could you really use more of, whether that be in your relationships, financially, physically or emotionally? What will you look like/feel like? Where will you be when you fall comes to an end? Write it down. Set the intention and give yourself a clear idea of what it is you want most and the steps you will take to get there.

Seasonal fall produce sitting on wooden buffet table.

Eat Seasonal Fall Foods

Contrary to what some may believe, fall foods do not begin and end with all things pumpkin and pumpkin spice. Shocking, I know!

Something you may or may not be aware of is our bodies deep connection to nature. Just as the earth transitions through the seasons, your body wants a similar flow. How is this done? A big part through the foods that we eat. Our bodies need a rotating diet of what is fresh and in-season to get in a wide, diverse range of vitamins and minerals.

It’s true! Eating seasonally is not only an effective way to save money (foods in season are abundant and at their lowest costs! “cha-ching”!), but they also hold their highest nutritional density and peak flavor!! You may even notice your body craving some of these foods as the cooler weather hits.

As sad as it is to say goodbye to those summer tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers, it’s ok, they’ll be back. It’s time to make room for and welcome in those fall squashes, apples, brussels sprouts, potatoes, broccoli and kale!

If eating seasonally is a concept you have a hard time with mastering, consider purchasing a CSA from a local farm. It will help you grasp what foods are in season, build a connection from the ground up, and experience the freshness firsthand.

Black alarm clock sitting on white bedding.

Be Aware of Your Circadian Rhythm

For those of you that are unfamiliar with your circadian rhythm, think of it as your body’s internal clock. Your body has a natural rhythm that wants to be in tune with the sun (again showing us that connection to nature we have).

Each fall day the amount of sunlight grows shorter and shorter. Then, a good majority of us, experience a time change as well. This shift can be hard on us physically and mentally. Without giving ourselves the space to adjust, it can lead to a giant crash, causing fatigue, seasonal depression and anxiety.

Try adding in these tips to beat the blues:

  • Keep a consistent bedtime and waking time. Yes, even on the weekends. Unpopular opinion, I know. However, our bodies thrive in consistent routines. Quality sleep is the greatest foundation of well-being.

  • Get some sunlight, especially first thing in the morning. It’s not winter yet. Bundle up and get outdoors. Go hiking, walk your dog, do some yoga, or even crack open that sunroof on the drive to work! Morning sunlight tells our brains it’s time to get up and to stop producing melatonin, our sleepy/chill hormone. Added bonus is absorbing in some of the sunshine’s Vitamin D.

  • Beware the blue light! Blue light is everywhere these days. So many screens from our phones, TVs, iPads and laptops. While you are cozied up indoors, you may notice screens being a larger part of your nightly routine. Of course you can swap for a good ol’ paper book, but for those of you that just want to Netflix and chill, consider blue light filtering programs or a high quality pair of amber colored blue light filtering glasses. The addition of the amber color signals the brain to start producing melatonin, chilling us out and getting us ready for bed. The opposite of blue light, which drives up cortisol levels, our stress hormone, leading to poor quality sleep and insomnia.

Woman in fall clothing hydrating with large bottle of water.

Stay Hydrated

Yes, you’ve heard all about the importance of water, so why I am including it here. Because it is that important and as the weather cools, hydration tends to take a hit. Summertime is hot, making it easy to grab that water bottle and chug! It may take a little extra thought or planning to stay on top the hydration game now.

One great way to help, buy a new cup!! It may seem like an excuse to go shopping but the truth is your brain will have a hard time overlooking something new. It’s out of your normal and adds a little excitement. I know, it’s just a cup, but give it a try and tell me it doesn’t work!

Fun fact… caffeine-free, herbal teas count towards your daily water totals. If you’re in the mood for something warm give a cinnamon apple rooibos tea a shot or how about starting your day with a glass of warm lemon water.

Decluttering options written out on napkin.

Clear Out the Clutter

We all have heard of spring cleaning but how about Fall Purging? No. Did I just make that up? Someone call Marie Kondo. We’ve got to make this a thing!

You are about to be spending a lot more time indoors. Give yourself some space. This is a great time to open the windows, pump up the jams, and clear out that clutter! Take a good look around. Which of those belongings bring an actual value to your life? I’m talking to you pants that hang in the back of the closet because you never really fit right. And you, Tupperware lids with no matching bottom!

Envision the space you want to sit in. The space that brings you calm and joy. Make a goal, build a plan, start slow, and create the space!

When you put a little extra thought into seasonal transitions you can build the life you’ve been wanting. You can bring peace, flow and ease into all the areas you desire.

Enjoy the shift in seasons, the shift in nature, and the shift in you.

Do you have rituals you include into the summer-to-fall transition?

Let’s learn from each other! Be sure to drop your tips in the comments below.